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Waste Management

The Municipality provides waste and recycling collection and disposal services to eligible households in Northern Bruce Peninsula. This includes the operation of three municipal waste disposal sites with recycling depots and other diversion programs. 

Curbside Waste and Recycling Collection

Curbside waste and recycling collection is carried out weekly. To ensure materials are collected, residents must have their items at the curb by 8:00 a.m. on Monday. 

Curbside collection will occur on all statutory holidays except Christmas Day and New Year's Day if they fall on a Monday. 

Tips to ensure your materials are collected:

  • In an approved container with an indicator system in place
  • Placed at the roadside prior to 8:00 a.m.
  • Not hidden behind a vehicle, snow bank or other obstruction
  • Free of prohibited content
  • Within the limit of two bags of household waste
  • Within the limit of 22 kilograms per bag of waste

Missed Collection? Contact Waste Management:

For missed collections or other collection related issues, please call 1-888-730-3344 ext. 1.

Our recyclable materials are sent to a facility that can effectively sort mixed recycling. Using just one box for all of your recyclable items increases the ease and convenience of recycling and allows it to be collected more quickly.

Accepted materials include:

  • Glass: clear or coloured jars
  • Cardboard: corrugated, box board, boxed beverage containers
  • Paper: envelopes, paperbacks, magazines and catalogues, printer and fine paper, newspaper and flyers
  • Tin and plastics: food and beverage containers, pop cans, plastic bottles, tubs and lids, plastic clam shell containers. Plastic numbered 1 to 5 and 7.

For more information, please visit Waste Management's Recycle Right website. 

Each improved property that receives waste collection can place two bags, not exceeding 22 kilograms each, per week at the roadside for collection. 


Permanent containers must have a visible indicator system (marker/flag/sign) in place to notify the contractor when materials are ready for pick-up. 

Private or unmaintained roadways

If you live on a private or unmaintained roadway, place your waste and recyclable materials at the nearest intersection of a serviced roadway. If you live on a seasonal roadway, place your materials at the nearest intersection of a serviced roadway between October 15 and April 15. 


Materials should be placed in a visible location. Make sure they are not hidden behind a vehicle, snow bank or other obstruction.

Now is a great time to remove hazardous materials and dispose of them in an environmentally safe manner. Household hazardous waste materials include but are not limited to the following items:

Paints & Stains  Propane Tanks  Aerosols  Antifreeze
Fertilizers    Solvents Pharmaceuticals Fire Extinguishers
Fuel Oil Filters  Household Cleaners  Batteries
Pesticides  Pool Chemicals Fluorescent Lights Used Oil

Attendees must remain in their vehicle, with waste material in OPEN TRUNK ONLY for unloading.

Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial Waste, PCB's, Ammunition or Flares WILL NOT be accepted. Only containers with a volume of 30 LITRES OR LESS will be accepted. Waste must be received in containers that can be disposed of. Containers are not emptied and returned (i.e. gas cans). Empty paint cans are blue box recyclable.

July 5 Eastnor Landfill - 1252 West Road - 8:00 am to noon

August 16 St. Edmunds Landfill - 71 McArthur Road - 8:00 am to noon

For further information, visit Bruce County Hazardous Waste

County of Bruce - Transportation & Environmental Services: 519-881-2400

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