Schedule 1 Designer Information |
Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS): Prescriptive or Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS): Performance - please refer to the SB-12 standards when completing the applicable EEDS form |
Sample Site Plan - this is required to be submitted with building applications on CloudPermit |
Owner Authorization Form - this is required if you are not the owner of the property and the owner is not included on the CloudPermit application |
Septic Permit Application - please refer to the Septic System Guidelines for further information to complete the application |
Application for Reduction of Taxes - once a structure has been demolished/removed, please complete this online form |
Deck Guidelines - please reference if you will be applying for a deck permit. Also, reference SB-7 Post Connections, if you intend to assemble posts on the deck |
Tent Permit Requirements |
Dark Sky Compliance Guideline |
The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula's Building Department is responsible for review of building plans and zoning, issuance of building permits and conducting required inspections.
To find information on when a permit is required, please review our Guide to Obtaining a Building Permit.
Once a permit is issued, it is imperative that a copy of said permit is posted on site in a location that is visible from the road.
Building Permits
Apply Now
Permit applications can be submitted online through Cloudpermit. Please use the icon 'Apply with Cloudpermit' to submit your application today!
If you have any questions in regard to your application or the application process, please refer to our Cloudpermit User Guide or contact the Building Department directly. Alternatively, please use the Cloudpermit Support icon for more instructions.
Section 15 of the Fees And Charges By-law provides the current rates for building permit and related fees.
Development charges are also collected by the Building Department remitted to Bruce County, for applicable permits. Please review the 2025 Development Charge Pamphlet, for more information.
Frequently Requested Forms & Guides
Please be advised the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula typically books all inspections from Tuesday-Thursday. We request that you contact the Building Department at least 48-hours in advance to book the inspection.
If your permit was issued through Cloudpermit, the inspections should be requested directly through your Cloudpermit workspace. If you have any questions, please refer to the Cloudpermit Support Page pertaining to inspections.
These inspections could include:
- Excavation
- Footings: Placement of all footing forms prior to pouring concrete. Geotechnical review may be required to confirm soil suitability.
- Foundation: Construction of foundation wall including all external elements and perimeter drainage system (prior to backfill).
- Underground Plumbing: Installation of all plumbing that will be covered by the concrete floor. A test for this portion of the plumbing system is required.
- Rough Plumbing: Installation of all plumbing including drains, waste, vents and water supply lines. A test for this portion is required including a 100 psi test on all water supply lines.
- Rough Heating: Installation of all mechanical supply air and return air duct work. Seal all joints in ducts. Installation of hot water heating piping (including in-floor). A test for this system is required.
- Framing: Construction of all structural framing and stairs (Rough Plumbing and Heating passed and doors, windows & roofing installed). Engineered drawings must be provided for roof trusses.
- Air Barrier: Installation of a continuous air barrier. There are several options for providing an effective air barrier. Confirmation may require an inspection during several inspection stages.
- Insulation: Installation of the insulating material and vapour barrier. Blown-in insulation can be installed after the ceiling drywall is applied and confirmed at the Occupancy inspection.
- Plumbing Final: Installation of all CSA approved plumbing fixtures and hot water tank (water meter must be installed). A test for this portion of the plumbing system is required (rim test).
- Heating Final: Installation of furnace, air conditioner (if included in the permit) and grills/registers. An Air Balance Report may be required.
- Occupancy: Completion of all health and safety, heating and plumbing components. There must be no outstanding Building Code Orders.
- Final Inspection: Exterior finishes and grading. Construction has been completed.
Please be advised under section 8 of the Building Code Act, you are exempt from obtaining a building permit for an accessory structure, so long as it complies with the following criteria:
- must be 15m2 or less;
- must be only single-storey in building height (no loft permitted);
- is not attached to another building or structure;
- does not have plumbing; and
- is non-habitable (i.e., excludes Private Guest Cabins/Bunkies).
If the above referenced criteria can be met, you must still comply with the applicable law, including but not limited to the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula's Zoning By-law (By-law 2002-54, as amended), the Ontario Building Code regulated setbacks to septic systems(s), etc.
The Municipality's Tent And Trailer By-law does not permit camping on vacant lots.
The only exception to this By-law, referenced herein, is when a building permit has been issued. Once a building permit has been issued, the property owner/applicant has the opportunity to enter into a Tent and Trailer Agreement, allowing them to camp on the property for the duration of construction. This is valid from the date the Agreement is signed by Council until occupancy is reached or for a maximum of two years, whichever should occur first.
For further information or clarification, please email us.
As per the Zoning By-law 2002-54, as amended, additional residential units are permitted in certain zones, in different capacities.
Please review the Additional Residential Unit Information Checklist for further information in this regard.
If you require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Building Department.
Please review the Antenna System Siting Protocol for information in this regard.
The purpose of this Protocol is to outline the process telecommunication facility Proponents must follow to establish or expand telecommunication facilities in the Northern Bruce Peninsula (the “Peninsula”).
The establishment and expansion of telecommunication facilities fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada serves as the approval authority for telecommunication facilities and mandates that Proponents of new facilities consult with local planning authorities to consider local protocols and surroundings during the site selection process. All Proponents proposing telecommunications facilities in the Peninsula must adhere to this protocol before seeking approval from ISED Canada. Failure to follow any stage of this process will result in the consultation requirements of ISED Canada being considered unsatisfied, prompting the Town to formally object to the application with ISED Canada. It is expected that Proponents will collaborate with the Peninsula to fulfill the proposal processing in accordance with this protocol.
Call Before You Dig
If you are planning any construction that will require digging, excavating and/or building, you will be responsible for obtaining locates on any buried infrastructure. The utilities can include:
- Hydro Lines
- Communication Lines
- Gas Lines
- Sewer Lines
- Water Lines
Please contact Ontario One Call to register a locate request, prior to construction.
Contact Us
Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula
56 Lindsay Road 5
Lion’s Head ON N0H 1W0
Email Us