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Getting Involved

Northern Bruce Peninsula offers a variety of sports, recreation, community improvement groups, and community services clubs - there's something for everyone! If you have a group or club to add to this list or provide updated information for, please use the button below to provide your information. 

Community groups and organizations are able to share and promote public events on our Events Calendar. Our Events Calendar How-To Guide provides instructions for posting public events. 

The Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula recognizes voluntary achievements and contributions made in the community each spring with our Annual Volunteer Recognition Day. Visit our Volunteer Recognition page for more details.


Contact Information

Bruce Peninsula Minor Hockey Association
Lion's Head & District Minor Softball Association
Lion's Head & District Skating Club 

Lion's Head Youth Soccer

This is a recreational program aimed toward JK-Grade 5. For 8 weeks through May and June, players work on soccer skills and development whilst having fun within their age groups.



Contact Information

Alcoholics Anonymous Grey Bruce 519-376-4193
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce 519-376-4449

Bruce Men's Shed
Men's Sheds is based on a simple concept: Improve our members' physical and mental health through activities men will actually join. Somewhere to go.  Something to do. Someone to talk to.
Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association (BPBA) Contact
Bruce Peninsula District School Community Council 519-793-3211
Bruce Peninsula Environment Group (BPEG) Contact
Bruce Peninsula Hospice 
Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities Committee 
Bruce Peninsula Society of Artists
Bruce Peninsula Spirit Singers
Grey Bruce Seniors' Centre Without Walls
The program offers activities, speakers as well as health & wellness activities presented via zoom or teleconference, with some in-person activities. 

Hooked on the Bruce, Rug Hookers
We are the local branch of the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild. There are weekly afternoon gatherings in Lion's Head for beginners to rug hooking and for the experienced rug hooker. We can get you started with the materials you need to try out the art. Or join us with your project in progress and enjoy the camaraderie. Welcome to our group.
Keep the Bruce Clean & Green
We encourage people to “leave no trace” as they enjoy our area and stash the trash appropriately!
We organize community cleanups. We encourage involvement in our green, tomato cage garbage blitzes. We run a returnable bottle program. We give $ back to the community, as we donate funds to be used for purchasing recyclable containers, at special events. We donate environmental books to schools. We encourage people to; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and show Respect!
Lion's Head Firefighters Association
Providing education and awareness to the community, supporting local events, projects and initiatives while also supporting the firefighters of Lion's Head. 
Lion's Head Friendship Club 519-592-5860
Lion's Head Hospital Auxiliary 519-793-4923 
Lion's Head Promotions Group
Men's Breakfast Club 

Old Schoolhouse Seniors Club
Meets the first Tuesday of the months April to October for lunch at 11:30am in the Lion's Head Legion Branch 202. Meets the last Thursday of the same months for dinner at 5pm with a speaker and local entertainment. 
Peninsula Bruce Trail Club 
Peninsula S.W.A.N.S 519-374-4110
Pike Bay Community Association
We offer a wide range of activities at our community centre where residents and visitors can come together to learn, interact and feel welcome. We post our activities to several locations Facebook Groups.
Rotary Club of Northern Bruce Peninsula
Royal Canadian Legion #202, Lion's Head
Royal Canadian Legion #290, Tobermory
St. Edmunds Public School Community Council 519-596-2390
Stokes Bay Community Centre Group 
The Northern Bruce Peninsula Community Support Advisory Action Committee (NBPCSAAC)
The Old Schoolhouse Seniors' Club, Stokes Bay 
Tobermory Health Services Auxiliary

The Tobermory Meeting Place

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